Adviser to the Minister of Education of the Republic of Moldova

Vacancy Number: Pr14/00434

Location:Chisinau, Moldova
Application Deadline: 31 Jan 2014, 23:59 (GMT+2:00)
Type of Contract:Individual Contract
Starting date: 03 Mar 2014
Reference to the project: EU High Level Policy Advice Mission to Moldova
Expected Duration of Assignment:3 March 2014 – 30 June 2015
Submission Instructions:

Proposals should be submitted online by pressing the “Apply now” button no later than 31 January 2014.

 Requests for clarification only must be sent by standard electronic communication to the following e-mail: UNDP will respond by standard electronic mail and will send copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

This Vacancy Annoucement is also placed at

Supporting Documents:
Terms of Reference
Procurement Notice

Personal History Form (P11)
UNDP General Conditions of Individual Contract


The EU High Level Policy Advisory Mission (EU HLPAM) is a project financed by the European Union and implemented by the UNDP.  The objective of the project is to support the Government to implement its EU-integration related reform Agenda and in particular to assist the government in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, as well as the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan. Specifically, the project aims at strengthening the policy-making, strategic planning and policy management capacities of selected line Ministries and State Agencies involved in the implementation of the Association Agreement and Visa Liberalization and at enhancing stakeholders’ knowledge and awareness of EU policies, legislation and regulations in sectors strategic to the implementation of the Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, and to the implementation of visa liberalization.

Scope of work

The Adviser on Education and Research Policy will provide policy advice to the Minister of Education on education reform and research policy, in order to enhance their ability to design and implement their Europe integration related reform agenda.

The Adviser will report primarily to the Minister of Education, with a reporting line to the EU Delegation to Moldova, UNDP Moldova and the project manager. The Advisor will work closely with the other members of the team of EUHLPAM Advisors.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Raise stakeholders' awareness of the policy implications of the Government's reform agenda and the AA negotiation and implementation processes in education and training, with a special focus on higher education;
  • Acquaint the national authorities with different policy options in education reform, with a particular focus on ensuring university autonomy, promoting convergence in higher education, deriving from the Bologna process and the EU higher education modernisation agenda, establishing a quality assurance system in professional education, improving the management and financing of  research, and consolidating the capacities of universities to carry out research;
  • Provide the beneficiaries with examples of EU best practice in education policy, delineating responsibilities between authorities and levels of government, institutional management and financing in education;
  • Assist in the identification of policy and legislative priorities resulting from the new Education Code;
  • Support the national authorities to draft policy papers, together with strategies and Action Plans for implementing the policies provided by the new Education Strategy 2014-2020;
  • Assist the national authorities during the policy consultation process;
  • Assist the national authorities to prepare for the full participation in the EU research and innovation programme Horizon 2020;
  • Strengthen the institutional capacities of the beneficiary institution to design, manage and monitor policy;
  • Support the beneficiary to design and apply risk management principles and tools;
  • Liaise with other projects / programmes / instruments in education and training, with a special focus on higher education to ensure synergy, to promote effective downstream implementation of the policies and to avoid overlap and duplication, where appropriate and when requested by the beneficiary;
  • Advise on the development of formal mechanisms to ensure that feedback from policy implementation is duly taken into consideration during the design phase of future policies;
  • Support the national authorities to network with EU institutions through the EU Delegation to Moldova;
  • Provide sectorial advice and report to the EU Delegation whenever requested in education and training, with a special focus on higher education;
  • Assist the beneficiary to prepare an exit strategy on how the advice will be mainstreamed and consolidated once this phase has elapsed;
  • Advise the beneficiary to prepare the formal applications/fiches/Terms of Reference for policy implementation support from other EU instruments or any on-going/planned TA project;
  • Respect and promote EU visibility at all times.

The above responsibilities will be carried out through but not limited to: development of strategy documents, policy papers, advisory notes, methodologies, draft fiches and other relevant documentation as well as provision of technical on-the-job advice, support to networking to the institutions responsible for Government policies in education and training, with a special focus on higher education.

Requirements for experience

Qualifications and skills:

  • A Masters’ Degree in public policy, education, or relevant discipline or equivalent of professional experience relevant to the assignment. A bachelor degree in the same areas combined with 17 years of experience professional experience relevant to the area of required expertise will serve in lieu of a Master’s Degree.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Proven report writing skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • A working knowledge of the Romanian or the Russian language

General professional experience:

  • Preferably 15 years of professional experience

 Specific professional experience:

  • At least 10 years of professional experience linked to the provision of high level policy advice in education and institutions of higher learning. Preference to 15 years of such experience will be given.
  • At least 10 years proven work experience in education or institutions of higher learning in EU Member States, current or former EU Candidate States/EaP countries would be an asset
  • A comprehensive knowledge of EU external assistance programmes and policies targeted at EaP countries
  • A comprehensive knowledge of the EU acquis and policies in education and training, with a special focus on higher education and research policy
  • Previous work experience in Moldova would be an advantage
  • Research and publications in peer-reviewed journals would be an advantage

Documents to be included

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  1. Proposal: explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;
  2. Financial proposal;
  3. Personal CV including past experience in similar projects, the duly filled Personal History Form (P11) and at least 3 references.

Financial proposal

The Financial Proposal shall specify a daily lump-sum fee and travel expenses quoted in separate line items. Payments are made monthly, based on the actual number of days worked, to the Individual Consultant subject to the submission and approval of the monthly time sheets and activity reports. 


 One time travel to join duty station/repatriation travel must be included in the financial proposal.  In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.

 In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.



In case of discrepancies between the text published on the website and the contents of the supporting documents, the provisions, instructions and conditions included in the supporting documents (published as Adobe Portable Document Format files) shall prevail. In case of discrepancies between the English version and the Romanian and/or Russian versions of text, documents or other content published on this webpage, the English version shall prevail.


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